Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Obama visits storm victims while Romney campaigns

WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama, locked in a fierce re-election bid, is emphasizing his incumbent's role for a third straight day, skipping battleground states to visit victims of Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey, a state he's confident of winning. The president's actions have forced his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, to walk a careful line and make tough choices.

The former Massachusetts governor must show respect for the superstorm's casualties all along the Eastern Seaboard. But Romney can ill afford to waste a minute of campaign time, with the contest virtually deadlocked in several key states and the election six days away.

After tamping down his partisan tone Tuesday at an Ohio event that chiefly emphasized victims' relief, Romney planned three full-blown campaign events Wednesday in Florida, the largest competitive state. Sandy largely spared Florida, so Romney calculates he can campaign there without appearing callous.

Obama's revised schedule is a political gamble, too. Rather than use the campaign's final Wednesday to woo voters in tossup states, he will go before cameras with New Jersey's Republican governor, Chris Christie. Christie is one of Romney's most prominent supporters, and a frequent Obama critic. But Christie praised Obama's handling of superstorm Sandy, a political twist the president's visit is sure to underscore.

Obama also took full advantage of incumbency Tuesday. He visited the Red Cross national headquarters ? a short walk from the White House ? to commiserate with victims and encourage aid workers.

"This is a tough time for millions of people," the president said. "But America is tougher."

While Obama and Romney moved cautiously Tuesday, their campaigns exchanged sharp words in Ohio and expanded their operations into three Democratic-leaning states, a move that will reshape the contest's final six days.

Romney's campaign is running ads in Minnesota and Pennsylvania, and a pro-Romney group is doing the same in Michigan. The three states were considered fairly safe for Obama, but his campaign is taking the threat seriously. It sent former President Bill Clinton to Minnesota on Tuesday and it is buying airtime in all three states.

Republican strategists differ on the Romney campaign's thinking. Some think Romney's aides fear losing all-important Ohio, and they hope for a stunning last-minute breakthrough elsewhere to compensate. Others say the GOP camp has so much money ? and so few chances to buy useful airtime in saturated states ? that it can spend millions of dollars on a long shot without scrimping in a battleground.

"If they didn't have so much money, they wouldn't be able to do something with so little chance of success," said Democratic strategist Tad Devine.

Some Republicans played down the significance of the expand-the-map strategy.

"This always happens this time of year" in a big campaign, said Republican consultant Mike McKenna of Richmond, Va. "They see a poll or two" that suggests a sudden tightening of the race in a place like Minnesota "and they get all excited."

"They tend to chase shiny objects," McKenna said. Ohio, he said, remains by far the most important state for Romney to win.

Another sign that Ohio looms large for the Romney campaign: a guest-filled rally in suburban Cincinnati on Friday to kick off the campaign's final four days. Set to join the GOP ticket are golf legend Jack Nicklaus, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Meanwhile, Democratic groups bitterly complained about a TV ad the Romney camp is running in the Toledo and Youngstown areas of Ohio. The ad suggests that Jeep will move its Toledo car-making facility to China, a claim Jeep executives deny.

Democrats called the ad a brazen lie and a sign of desperation. Even some Republicans worried that Romney has gone too far in a state where voters follow the auto industry closely.

"It's the kind of thing that happens late in the campaign, when everybody's tired and you're not quite yourself," McKenna said. "It didn't help. But I don't think it's a big thing. At this point, everybody has made up their mind."

Vice President Joe Biden planned to campaign Wednesday in Florida. Romney's running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan, was scheduled to campaign in his home state, Wisconsin.


Associated Press writer Thomas Beaumont in Des Moines, Iowa, contributed to this report.


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Shares down on bleak outlook and earnings reports

LONDON (Reuters) - The FTSE 100 fell on Wednesday, ending the month on a down note as a string of gloomy earnings and outlooks from firms such as Barclays and GlaxoSmithKline weighed on sentiment.

The FTSE 100 was down 1.2 percent, or 67 points, at 5,782.70 at the close, more than shedding the previous session's gains, led down by a forecast of no growth in production next year from BG Group.

The oil and gas firm's stock slid 13.7 percent in heavy volume of 16 times its 90-day average, taking 24 points off the FTSE 100 after reporting earnings results. Although the results came in ahead of consensus estimates, the company saw a weaker production outlook.

"Today's production downgrade wipes out much of the projected earnings-per-share growth for BG," Investec Securities said in a note, as downgraded the company's rating to "Sell" after the results, which were released a day earlier than markets expected.

BG's results are an example of a broader trend where beating expected earnings is not enough to satisfy the markets.

"Earnings estimates have come down 14 percent this year, so all the earnings growth that you were supposed to be generating in stocks this year is gone," Mike Ingram, market analyst at BGC Partners, said.

"Many companies have forecasts which are there to be beaten, and you expect it to be beaten... If you look at share price reaction around the actual announcement of results, I don't think there's any real correlation between good results and good performance or bad results and bad performance," he said, citing BG Group.

Several heavyweight firms who missed estimated results on Wednesday also saw bleak outlooks in the near future. Barclays shed 4.7 percent after its third-quarter profits fell by a fifth due to charges for mis-selling insurance. The bank also said that U.S. authorities had opened two new investigations against it.

Pharmaceutical company GlaksoSmithKline lost 2.4 percent after posting a fourth consecutive quarter in which Britain's biggest drugmaker missed sales and earnings expectations, with Chief Executive Andrew Witty warning that Europe would continue to weigh on the company "in the next quarter or two".

Among the gainers by those who reported results, Standard Life slightly missed expected sales, but still rose 2.2 percent after recording assets under management that came in ahead estimates by Bank of America-Merrill Lynch analysts.

"In overall terms, the new business numbers look reasonable to us given the headwinds of recession and upcoming regulatory change," Kevin Ryan, analyst at Investec, said in a note.

Beyond earnings, Tullow Oil rose 1.5 percent after confirming the oil group had made a discovery in its Twiga block in Kenya.

Trading volumes recovered to around the 90-day average after two days of suppressed activity due to the closure of U.S. markets as a huge storm battered New York.

(Additional reporting by Francesco Canepa; editing by Ron Askew)


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Hurricane Sandy Is a Reminder of Why 'Obama Phones' Exist (Atlantic Politics Channel)

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

NJ nuclear plant declares rare alert over high waters

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hurricane Sandy slowed or shut a half-dozen U.S. nuclear power plants, while the nation's oldest facility declared a rare "alert" after the record storm surge pushed flood waters high enough to endanger a key cooling system.

Exelon Corp's 43-year-old Oyster Creek plant in New Jersey remains on "alert" status, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) said early Tuesday. It is only the third time this year that the second-lowest of four emergency action levels was triggered.

"Oyster Creek is still in an alert but may be getting out of it as long as water levels continue to drop," NRC spokesman Neil Sheehan told Reuters.

The alert came after water levels at the plant rose more than 6.5 feet above normal, potentially affecting the "water intake structure" that pumps cooling water through the plant.

Those pumps are not essential to keep the reactor cool since the plant has been shut for planned refueling since October 22. Exelon however was concerned that if the water rose over 7 feet it could submerge the service water pump motor that is used to cool the water in the spent fuel pool, potentially forcing it to use emergency water supplies from the in-house fire suppression system to keep the rods from overheating.

Exelon also moved a portable pump to the intake structure as a precaution in case it was needed to pump cooling water.

The water levels reached a peak of 7.4 feet -- apparently above the threshold -- but the pump motors did not flood, Sheehan said. As of 11 a.m. EDT Tuesday the water level was down to 5.8 feet, with the next high tide at 11:45 a.m.

"They need the water level to stay below 6 feet for a while to exit the alert," Sheehan said, noting when the water level falls below 4.5 feet, the plant could exit the unusual event.

An unusual event is the lowest of the NRC's emergency action levels.

Exelon said in a statement that there was no danger to equipment and no threat to public health or safety.

"Right now there's no imminent threat of releases. There's no protective actions around the plant," Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Craig Fugate said on the Today Show.

"Some of these reporting requirements are due though to the severity of the storms. That they have to make these notifications based upon conditions, that does not mean that they are in an imminent threat at the plant," Fugate said.

The incident at Oyster Creek, which is about 60 miles east of Philadelphia on the New Jersey Coast, came as Sandy made landfall as the largest Atlantic storm ever, bringing up to 90 mile per hour (mph) winds and 13-foot storm surges in the biggest test of the industry's emergency preparedness since the Fukushima disaster in Japan a year and a half ago.

Despite the alert -- which is a serious but not catastrophic event that signals a "potential substantial degradation in the level of safety" -- the U.S. nuclear industry was broadly seen having passed the test. About a dozen alerts have been issued in the past four years, according to NRC press releases.

On Tuesday morning, the NRC said that Entergy Corp's Indian Point 3 automatically tripped offline at about 10:41 p.m. last night due to fluctuations in the power grid caused by the storm, while Public Service Enterprise Group Inc shut Unit 1 at Salem in New Jersey at 1:10 a.m. due to a loss of "condenser circulators" due to the storm surge and debris.


The relatively small 636-megawatt (MW) Oyster Creek plant earlier experienced a "power disruption" at its switch yard, causing two backup diesel generators to kick in and maintain a stable source of power, Exelon said.

The NRC spokesman said the company could use water from a fire suppression system or a portable pump to cool the pool if necessary. The used uranium rods in the pool could cause the water to boil in about 25 hours without additional coolant; in an extreme scenario the rods could overheat, risking the eventual release of radiation.

The concerns over the status of the spent fuel pool at Oyster Creek was reminiscent of the fears that followed the Fukushima disaster last year, when helicopters and fire hoses were enlisted to ensure the pools remained filled with fresh, cool water. The nuclear industry has said that the spent fuel rods at Fukushima were never exposed to the air.

Nuclear plants must store the spent uranium fuel rods for at least five years in order to cool them sufficiently before they can be moved to dry cask storage containers.

Exelon spokesman David Tillman said Monday night the plant has "multiple and redundant" sources of cooling for the spent fuel pool.

The plant uses pumps to take in external water that circulates through a heat exchanger used to cool the internal water that surrounds the rods, keeping them from overheating.

Among other units, Constellation Energy Nuclear Group's 630-MW Nine Mile Point 1 nuclear power reactor in upstate New York did shut due to a problem putting power onto the grid, although it was not clear whether the trouble was related to the storm.

In addition, Sandy caused power reductions at both units at Exelon's Limerick nuclear plant in Pennsylvania and one unit at Dominion's Millstone plant in Connecticut.

(Editing by Ed Davies and Alden bentley)


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Monday, October 29, 2012

Obama: Someone will be 'held accountable' for Benghazi

President Barack Obama speaks at a campaign rally Oct. 24 in Las Vegas. (Julie Jacobson/AP)President Barack Obama said in an interview that if the investigation into the Sept. 11 attack on the American compound in Libya finds that "there was a big breakdown, and somebody didn't do their job, they'll be held accountable."

Speaking with MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program on Monday, the president said that "ultimately, as commander in chief, I'm responsible and I don't shy away from that responsibility. My No. 1 responsibility is to go after the folks who did this, and we're going to make sure we get them. I've got a pretty good track record of doing that."

Republicans have hammered the Obama administration over its evolving public explanation for the causes of the attack, which claimed the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi.? Stevens was the first American ambassador since 1979 to be killed in the line of duty.

Obama called the attack an act of terror in his first public remarks on the issue on Sept. 12. But in subsequent days, top aides repeatedly pointed the finger at Muslim rage over an Internet video that mocks Islam and described the strike as emerging from a "spontaneous" demonstration. The State Department ultimately said there had been no such protest. (Intelligence officials branded the attack terrorism on Day One.)

Asked whether the intelligence community provided poor information, Obama replied: "That's what we're going to find out from the investigation."

"But the truth is that across the board, when this happened, my No. 1 priority was secure Americans, figure out what happened, bring those folks to justice. We are in the process of doing that right now," he added. "Congress has been getting the flow of information continuously from Day One."

Obama also said there were "all kinds of legitimate questions" about what happened in the eastern Libyan city.

"But I do take offense, as I've said at one of the debates, with some suggestion that in any way we haven't tried to make sure that the American people knew, as information was coming in, what we believed happened," he said.


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Office space in Japan ? Market Review ? Real Estate Japan | Tokyo ...

Tokyo vacancy rate weathers massive supply and passes its peak
Grade A rents near turnaround at 29,900 yen/tsubo

Economic Conditions

After the japanese economy posted strong growth during the first due in part to measures that included reconstruction demand and subsidies, a countertrend has become evident as the real GDP growth rate for Q3?2012 is forecasted to decrease by 1.7 points trom the previous quarter to 1.5%. According to the Bank of Japan?s?Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan (Tankan), the DI for large manufacturing enterprises fell 2 points from the previous quarter to -3, but the forecast DI remained?unchanged. In the near future, if the response to the European economic crisis moves ahead smoothly, demand from overseas is expected to recover, and the economy is to gradually pick up again. Apprehension remains however, over a continuation of the historically high yen exchange rate and The possible negative impact on business with China?regarding the territorial dispute over the Senkaku islands.


In Tokyo, The large new supply that came online during the previous quarter served to prime the demand. New supply at buildings in Osaka, Nagoya and Fukuoka absorbed demand, which remained firm. In Tokyo and Osaka, demand has been increasing, not just at new large buildings in favorable locations, but also at older buildings and smaller to mid-sized existing buildings.?Examples of tenants relocating die to expansion of their business has increased. Tenants nationwide continue to be amenable to relocation. As tenants enjoy what are perceived to be affordable rents, the reasons for relocations are more positive, including relocation doe to office expansion. This is despite the continued strength of relocation demand in central city locations for the purpose of consolidation and increased earthquake resistance. In Saitama, vacant space is limited in buildings with the advanced earthquake resistance, which is preferred by tenants. Demand has thus begun to spread to buildings that are somewhat older or not as well located.

New Supply/Vacancy Rates

In Tokyo, newly developed buildings and those supplied during the previous quarter have had no difficulty filling vacancies, the Grade A vacancy rate improved by 1 point from the previous quarter to 9.3% and the vacancy rate for the 23 wards of Tokyo improved by 0.4 points to 7.5%. In Osaka, although the competition of a large building with unfilled vacancies directly connected to Shin-Osaka Station brought the grade A vacancy rate up 0.8 points from the previous quarter to 11.6%, the vacancy rate for the city as a whole improved by 0.1 points. In Nagoya, where two large scale buildings were completed, the closure of a large building for redevelopment helped bring the city?s overall vacancy rate down 0.4 points to 2.7%, due in part to expansion activity within the same building. Vacancy rates fell in Fukuoka as well, as a new building was completed with high occupancy pushed by perceived affordable rents. Furthermore, relocations to expand operations and new office set ups were also observed to contribute to the decline in vacancies. In other cities, amid a trend toward restricted new supply, demand concentrated steadily at high-performance buildings in central-city locations, resulting in a near universal trend toward improved vacancy rates. The vacancy rate in Kyoto rose as tenants relocated to Osaka for the purpose of office consolidation; Takamatsu showed mixed activities with secondary vacancies emerging while active corporate movements drew in new tenants.


As business sentiment recovered, Grade A assumed achievable rents remained unchanged at 29,000 yen/tsubo in Tokyo, 18,700 yen/tsubo in Osaka (+50 yen) and 22,150 yen/tsubo in Nagoya (-50 yen), suggesting that these cities have already hit bottom. Nationwide average asking rents are trending to be flat with the exception of the three major cities where rent discounting at older buildings have slightly brought down the average asking rents.??


Large buildings completed during the first half absorbed much of the demand, lowering the vacancy rate

The vacancy rate among grade A buildings fell by 1 point from the previous quarter to 9.3%. A major factor behind the decline was the filling of vacancies in large buildings completed with vacancies during the first half in Shinjuku and Marunouchi, among others. The vacancy rate fell below 1% in several areas where the supply-demand balance had already been tight, such as Nihonbashi and Osaki.

Tokyo Grade A Buildings

Rent trends stable and flat

Average assumed achievable rate was unchanged from the previous quarter at 29,900 yen/tsubo. Rents remained at or near the bottom since the beginning of the year. Despite concerns that large new supply during the first half would depress rents, vacancies were filled at existing buildings, while some new buildings completed with vacancies remaining were able to fill the void without shifting strategies to lower rents. The general result was stability in rent levels with exception of some buildings seeing increased rent levels in lockstep with improving vacancy rates.

Forward-looking reasons for relocation on the rise, with rents increasing after having bottomed-out

New demand this quarter was approximately 23,000 tsubo. This represents a decrease of nearly half of the new demand in the previous quarter, which was the highest recorded since the ?Lehman Shock? financial crisis. That being said, the new demand for the past quarter was in-line with the average for the past year.

Corporate tenants have been relocating for office consolidation and other cost-cutting motives but also office building upgrades and expansions, with the latter more frequently than before. Cases were observed where building owners who had been more flexible with leasing terms took a more aggressive stance on setting rent levels due to an abundance of inquiries. Relocations among large tenants have become evident as sufficient rent adjustments have been carried out and new supply has eased. Tenants have also started to notice the affordability of rents and tight supply going forward as rental adjustments have progressed and supply has begun to ease. large scale relocations of domestic and foreign financial institutions, major manufacturers and accounting/legal firms have thus been observed. New supply this quarter was limited to a building in Roppongi, and just two buildings of approximately 28,000 tsubo are expected to be completed during the entire second half. The vacancy rate peaked in Q2 and began a decline thereafter.

Tokyo 23 Wards

Vacancy declines as it passes its peak?

For the first time in two quarters, the vacancy rate in Tokyo?s 23 wards fell in Q3 2012, decreasing 0.4 points to 7.5%. This quarter saw only approximately 26,000 tsubo of new supply coming online, compared to the 170,000 tsubo which came online in the previous quarter. The easing of the risk of an expanded supply-demand gap that could have resulted from further supply increases was a major factor. On the demand side, although the volume of demand was lower than the approximately 63,000 tsubo of the previous quarter, an expansion in demand of approximately 54,000 tsubo still had a strong impact on the vacancy rate.

In those areas which already had low vacancy rates, including Shibuya, Ebisu and Nihonbashi, even smaller and mid-sized existing buildings had little difficulty filling their vacant space, indicating that demand is reaching buildings with a broad range of attributes, particularly in these areas. Overall, the number of vacancies of 100 tsubo or less that were filled this quarter greatly exceeded the number of comparable vacancies created. This indicates that overall demand is expanding.

The trend of large relocations remain active

Meanwhile, progress continued in the filling of large contiguous vacancies, mainly at large newly constructed buildings. Improvement in the balance of supply-demand was largely contributed by those large-scale office buildings with major secondary vacancy concerns continuously securing incoming tenants. During the review quarter, there were 20 buildings at which vacancies amounting to 1,000 tsubo or more were filled (not including buildings completed this quarter) for a total of just under 50,000 tsubo (compared to just over 8,000 tsubo at seven buildings the previous quarter). In addition, tenants are being secured at an accelerating rate for large buildings scheduled for completing next fiscal year and beyond. This can be seen as an indication of highly fluid demand activity.

Rents near turnaround point

Amid these circumstances, successor tenants are being found at large buildings before concerns about the risk of secondary vacancies are realized. The speed at which space is leased is expanding, but may vary by area and building characteristics. However, the fact that expanding demand is reaching even smaller buildings in some areas can be taken to indicate that a turnaround in rents could come sooner rather than later.


Overall vacancy rate in Osaka falls for the 4th consecutive quarter; Grade A vacancy rises

The vacancy rate for Osaka during the third quarter of 2012 was down 0.1 points from the previous quarter to 9.9%. It was the first time in the last three years since the third quarter of 2009 in which the rate fell below 10%. The vacancy rate for Grade A buildings, meanwhile, rose 0.8 points to 11.6%. This increase was due to the completion with unfilled vacancies of Grade A building in the Shin-Osaka area.

One large building completed, tenants very active at existing buildings

A large building directly connected to Shin-Osaka Station was completed during this quarter. Although some vacancies remained, it has been absorbing demand largely from existing buildings in the surrounding area, due mainly to its highly competitive location. Looking at other activities among existing buildings in Osaka shows that vacancies left behind by tenant relocations before or during the previous quarter have grown prominent. It has also been seen, however, that large relocations for the purpose of expansion have continued to fill vacancies of several hundred tsubo of floor area. Through the previous quarter, a trend had been observed in which demand concentrated at recently constructed and favorable located buildings. During this quarter, perceived competitive rents have led to the filling of large vacancies at somewhat older buildings that have satisfactory anti-seismic capabilities. There have alsp been some cases in which firms with offices outside of Osaka have consolidated their offices within Osaka, thus increasing demand in the city. As an overall trend, there was an increase in the need for expansion activity within the same building, and expansion relocations, despite previous highly cost-conscious approaches to relocation.

High occupancy expected at large building to be completed next quarter

One large office building is expected to be completed next quarter, and it is anticipated that it will enter operation with a high rate of occupancy. In addition to existing high demand at buildings recently constructed and/or high-grade buildings, the growing trend is toward expansion of demand. The overall trend toward filling of vacancies is thus expected to continue into the near future.


Nagoya vacancy rate falls for 9th consecutive quarter

Although new demand declined by approximately 5,000 tsubo this quarter, the vacancy rate decreased by 0.4 points from the previous quarter to 11.4%, particularly caused by the decrease in available stock with the Dai Nagoya Building closing for redevelopment. It was the ninth consecutive quarter in which the vacancy rate fell, While there were cases of small scale office expansion relocations, there are still scattered cases of tenants reducing floor space within their building. The main relocations observed this quarter continued to be mostly comprised of office integrations, including from suburban locations and other company-owned facilities, as well as building facilities and location upgrades implemented while controlling costs. While the vacancy rate did improve as a result, average asking rents declined by 2.0%.

Two buildings of over 5,000 tsubo completed

Nagoya Crosscourt Tower was completed in the Meieki area, as was the ORE Nishiki 20-Chrome Building in the Fushimi area. Each building brought more than 5,000 tsubo of gross floor area to the market for a total of approximately 10,000 tsubo of new supply. These new buildings were able to attract tenants by absorbing the relocation demand resulting from the closure of another building for planned reconstruction, as well as demand for office consolidation relocations. With no major injection of new supply expected through the end of 2012, the vacancy rate in Nagoya is expected to continue to gradually improve.

Vacancy rate at Grade A buildings remains low

The Grade A vacancy rate fell by 0.4 points form the previous quarter to remain low at 2.7%. Amid a continued absence of new Grade A supply, expansion activity within the same building helped fill some vacancies. However, relocations from the building to be reconstructed have already been completed and movements by large tenants are therefore expected to be few. Assumed achievable rents thus remained relatively unchanged from the previous quarter.


Vacancy rate reaches the 8% level for first time in 4 years

The vacancy rate in Sapporo during the third quarter of 2012 fell by 0.7points from the previous quarter to 8.8%. It was the first time in the four years since Q3 2008 that the vacancy rate had dipped to the 8% level. During this quarter, improvements in vacancy rates could be seen in each area examined. While there were cases of rental floor space contractions and tenant exits, there has been an increasing number of cases where tenants relocated at increasing cost in order to improve the facilities and locations of their offices. The new establishment and expansion of call centers helped keep demand firm, while inquiries concentrated at more recently constructed buildings where spaces of 100 tsubo or more could be obtained, which resulted in the market filling more vacancies than the amount becoming available. However, there are concerns of demand becoming dormant with the lack of vacant space available in favorable locations such as in the central areas and around the Sapporo station North Exit that meet tenant needs. Demand is anticipated to spread towards the Nishi 11-chrome area or around the eastern end of Sosei River in order to keep demand active.


Vacancy rate at Sendai Station East Exit continues to rise from last quarter

The vacancy rate in Sendai during the third quarter to 2012 was 12.9%, up 0.1 points form 12.8% the previous quarter. Vacancy levels continued to increase to 18.9% in the East Exit area of Sendai station from last quarter. Major contributors to the increases in vacancy rates include cancelation of contracts by housing rented companies that increased floor space or set up additional offices immediately after the earthquake, to meet the necessary recovery measures. Contracts were seen being canceled after their tasks were completed. Other areas of the city remained unchanged with no major changes from the previous quarter. Although a prior trend toward new leases has been seen to continue, it has lost the force required to have a major influence on the market. Buildings more recently constructed or with some landmark value continued to enjoy a degree of popularity, and their differentiation from existing buildings with regard to rent continued to advance. Expectations for the near future are for an increase in demand centering largely on the construction industry as recovery work shifts from the removal and civil engineering phase into building construction.


Saitama?s vacancy rate falls to the 5% level

The vacancy rate in Saitama during the third quarter of 2012 fell by 0.5 points from the previous quarter to 5.6%. While the need to open new offices in Omiya are not as significant, there have been observed cases of floor expansions within the building or relocation for the purpose of expanding in this area. Also, an influx of demand from the suburbs was observed, with many of these tenants selecting properties relatively distant from Omiya station as tenants considered the need to secure parking space and control cost increases. Cases were therefore observed in which vacancies of 100 tsubo or more were filled in buildings constructed to older earthquake standards, as well as vacancies in more recently constructed buildings and tose closer to the station, have become extremely scarce. Some landlords have been seen to consider increasing their asking rents above previous levels when new vacancies become available. With this smooth filling of vacancies, rent levels are regarded as having touched bottom, and a period of turnaround seems near.


Despite falling vacancy rate, secondary vacancy risk is high

The vacancy rate in Yokohama during the third quarter of 2012 fell 0.2 points from the previous quarter to 10.3%. There was a lack of new supply during this quarter in a market with little to stimulate it, resulting in sluggish tenant activity. Overall, this was a period in which the secondary vacancies resulting from relocation to a succession of new buildings completed during the first half of the year became prominent. Meanwhile, some underlying support came from demand generated by relocations from suburban company-owned buildings to rental buildings. But the influx of demand from the suburbs was weak, and thought to be influenced by large vacancies in kawasaki. With large secondary vacancies expected to be realized mainly in the Minatomirai area in the near future, the expansion needs of existing tenants are expected to surface, as is an influx of demand from outside the area. Although rent levels at large buildings in the immediate vicinity of Yokohama Station have stopped falling, they remain at rock-bottom.?


Vacancy rate continues to improve in Kanazawa Station area

The vacancy rate in Kanazawa during the third quarter of 2012 fell by 0.6 points from the previous quarter to 19.0%. This is the second consecutive quarter of decrease. Although there have been few openings of new locations by tenants from other cities, within Kanazawa, a trend toward integration of group offices continues and relocations from suburbs to the vicinity of the railway station have been observed. New demand during the third quarter of 2012 was approximately 500 tsubo amod vigorous tenant relocation activity. With Hokuriku Shinkansen Line high-speed rail service scheduled to begin at Kanazawa at the end of 2014, progress is moving forward on the reconstruction of the Kanazawa Station West Exit plaza, scheduled for completion at the end of 2015. Since the vicinity of Kanazawa Station is regarded as desirable for office use, buildings in the area are making progress in filling vacancies. In the Minami-machi area, however, large vacancies remain at many buildings. Although the overall vacancy rate in Kanazawa continues to improve, areas remain differentiated by the ease or difficulty with which vacancies are being filled.


Corporate relocation sentiment becoming polarized

The vacancy rate in Kyoto during the third quarter of 2012 was up 0.7 points from the previous quarter to 9.1%. It was the first quarterly increase in the vacancy rate in the two years since the third quarter of 2010. While there were not as many activities observed in this quarter, there were a number of buildings that had more than 100 tsubo of vacancies realized. This was mainly impacted by tenants moving back to their company-owned buildings in order to save costs and/or due to corporate restructuring, realization of secondary vacancies after tenants relocated to newly completed buildings, and tenants exiting from short-term contracts. In addition, the consolidation to Osaka of numerous tenants occupying smaller spaces had the cumulative effect of pushing up the vacancy rate. Meanwhile, new leases and expansion activity within the same building were among trends that were expanding the overall occupied floor area in the market. It was a quarter in which trends, both expanding and shrinking demand, were intertwined. For the time being, the market is forecasted to be poor in factors stimulating either supply or demand, which is therefore expected to become sluggish as demand for expanded floor area decreases.


Tenant attitude toward relocation begins to recover

The vacancy rate in Kobe during the third quarter of 2012 was 11.3%, a decrease of 1.6 points compared to the previous quarter. It was the third consecutive quarter of decrease, and the first time the vacancy rate reached the 11% range since the first quarter of 2009. This quarter, several trends were observed that tended to expand the occupied floor area in the rental market, including expansion activity within the same building, relocation from suburbs to city-center locations and relocation to rental buildings after the sale of company-owned buildings. All buildings in which vacancies of 200 or more tsubo were filled had been built since the new earthquake resistance standards took effect, indicating the desire for seismic safety performance. Relocations tending to increase costs have been limited for some time, but the increase in demand activity can be said to indicate a trend toward recovery in business sentiment. Although lack of factors stimulating demand is expected to continue, die to reduced supply, relocations from suburbs to central city locations and from company-owned buildings to rental office buildings are expected to generate an influx of demand that may improve the market overall.


Business activity leading to increased occupancy stands out

The vacancy rate in Hiroshima during the third quarter of 2012 was down 0.6 points from the previous quarter to 11.4%, the fourth consecutive quarter of declining vacancy. It was also the first time in the last three and a half years that the vacancy rate reached the 11% range. Several trends were observed that tended to expand the occupied floor area in the rental market, including expansion activity within the same building and relocation from suburbs to city-center locations. Small and large companies entering into new leases were apparent. Strong business performance encouraging a recovery in business sentiment ant progress in rent adjustments throughout the market are thought to have been related to proactive location strategies among tenant firms. Amid this kind of strong office demand from corporate tenants, vacancies at new prime buildings have become scarce. The key to whether the vacancy rate in the Hiroshima market can improve is the degree to which demand can be stimulated at buildings over 20 years old.


Robust relocation activity; prominent secondary vacancies boost vacancy rate

The vacancy rate in Takamatsu during the third quarter of 2012 was 18.0%, an increase of 0.6 points from the previous quarter. This is the second consecutive quarter of increasing vacancy rates. large contiguous secondary vacancies of over 100 tsubo became prominent as financial institutions relocated to a new commercial complex. This had a major impact on the vacancy rate, as did contraction activity within the same building and other moves involving relatively small amounts of floor area in the tens of tsubo. Nevertheless, ?smaller vacancies were widespread and affected the full range of industries and buildings. Meanwhile, new office openings and small-scale expansions within the same building leading to increased demand was observed. The overall effect was of a mixed market with both an influx and outflow of demand. With no new supply scheduled in the near future, the supply-demand balance is expected to continue its mixed progress and retreat.


New building begins operation at high occupancy in Hakata Station area

The vacancy rate in Fukuoka during the third quarter of 2012 was 11.2%, a decrease of 0.6 points from the previous quarter and the fourth consecutive quarter of declining vacancy rates. A newly constructed building on the preriphery of Hakata station opened with high occupancy. With vacancies scarce at recently constructed prime buildings, the availability of large contiguous space and perceived affordable rent levels were highly valued by tenants, and most of the absorbed demand came from relocations from nearby buildings. I existing buildings as well, new leases and expansion relocations, as well as relocations from suburbs to the city center were among the numerous observed cases of activity tending to expand the occupied floor area in the market. This was true in both new and existing buildings. The result was on overall decline in the vacancy rate for Fukuoka. Going forward, no plans for large new building construction have come to light. The need among tenants for newly constructed prime buildings has long been abundant, but the lack of available supply could drive demand under the surface, resulting in sluggish market growth.


Nationwide?Trend toward improved vacancies continues; rent levels flat for now

As corporate sentiment towards relocation continues to hold strong following the previous quarter, there were scattered activities of building grade up or scale up relocations that leads to market expansion. Although Japan-China relations remain a risk factor for now, domestic demand is expected to gradually recover in the near future. Vacancies are anticipated to continue improving going forward, backed by proactive relocations from the strong corporate earnings. However, rents are thought to remain flat for the time being as the rental burdens a tenant can absorb have not recovered by those companies thinking the relocation opportunity is now with the adjusted rents.

Tokyo?Large relocations increase broadly; Grade A rents enter recover mode

With new supply in Tokyo forecasted to ease, the vacancy rate is expected to improve steadily amid the expanding scope of demand. Grade A rents are showing signs of a turnaround, and will probably increase by year-end. With tenants being found for the secondary vacancies in Tokyo?s 23 wards overall, a genuine improvement in the supply-demand balance is expected in the coming quarter amid active inquiries. Rent levels are therefore expected to turn around earlier in 2013 than previously expected, from mid-year to fall. Grade A rent levels can be expected to increase by several percent one year from now, assuming steady economic growth and the spread of aggressive relocation moves into a broad range of industries.

Osake?Demand expands; Grade A rents bottom out

With a new building expected to begin operation at a higher level of occupancy next quarter, expansion relocations and other demand-expanding moves are expected to increase in Osaka. In fact, in addition to increasing demand at well-located and high-grade buildings, perceived affordable rent levels at older buildings with satisfactory anti-seismic capabilities are attracting demand, and vacancies are expected to fill with little difficulty throughout the market in the near future. While Grade A rents are thought to have hit bottom, as rents slightly rose this quarter, it may take some time before there is upward pressure on rents are large supply is expected to spring in 2013. However, with the large supply set to prime the pump for increase in demand going forward, rents can be anticipated to turn upward in mid-2013 if the effects of secondary vacancies remain mild.


About CBRE Group, Inc.*

CBRE Group, Inc. (NYSE:CBG), a Fortune 500 and S&P 500 company headquartered in Los Angeles, is the world?s?largest commercial real estate services firm (in terms of 2011 revenue). The Company has approximately 34,000?employees (excluding affiliates), and serves real estate owners, investors and occupiers through more than 300?offices (excluding affiliates) worldwide. CBRE offers strategic advice and execution for property sales and leasing;?corporate services; property, facilities and project management; mortgage banking; appraisal and valuation;?development services; investment management; and research and consulting. Please visit our Web site at?

*As of October 3, 2011 the corporate group name was officially changed from ?CB Richard Ellis?Group, Inc.? to ?CBRE Group, Inc.? Accordingly, the registered corporate name of CB Richard Ellis K.K. in Japan?has also changed to CBRE K.K., effective January 1, 2012.

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iMore show 322: Apple iPad and Mac event breakdown

Rene Ritchie and special guest Jim Dalrymple of The Loop talk Apple's October event, including the new 13-inch Retina MacBook Pro, Mac mini, iMac, iPad 4, and iPad mini. This is the iMore show.




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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Romney wins major newspaper endorsement in Iowa

Romney in Pensacola, Fla (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

LAND O'LAKES, Fla.?Mitt Romney won a major newspaper endorsement on Saturday, as the Des Moines Register's editorial board formally backed the GOP candidate's bid for the presidency.

It was the first time in 40 years the influential battleground state paper endorsed a Republican in the general election, dating back to its support of Richard Nixon in the 1972 election. The Register previously backed Romney in the 2012 GOP primary.

In an editorial published on the newspaper's website Saturday night, the Register called both Romney and President Barack Obama "superbly qualified," citing their service in government and the fact they are both "devoted husbands and fathers."

But according to the paper, it determined Romney was better positioned to "forge the compromises in Congress" necessary to turn the economy around, create jobs and get the federal budget back on track.

"Romney has made rebuilding the economy his No. 1 campaign priority--and rightly so," the Register's editorial read.

At the same time, the paper noted Obama's "best efforts to resuscitate the stumbling economy have fallen short."

"Nothing indicates it would change with a second term in the White House," the paper said. "Barack Obama rocketed to the presidency from relative obscurity with a theme of hope and change. A different reality has marked his presidency. His record on the economy the past four years does not suggest he would lead in the direction the nation must go in the next four years."

The Register noted that Romney is likely to face the same kind of political opposition that has challenged Obama's first term agenda. But the paper expressed hope that Romney might be able to forge the same kind of alliances that helped him govern as a Republican in Massachusetts.

"Voters should give Mitt Romney a chance to correct the nation's fiscal course and to implode the partisan gridlock that has shackled Washington and the rest of America--with the understanding that he would face the same assessment in four years if he does not succeed," the paper wrote.

It's unclear how the Register's support will influence the race in Iowa, where polls have found Romney and Obama in a statistical dead heat. Romney scheduled to campaign in the state Monday. He spent two days in the state earlier this week.


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Buyer Beware

I very nearly put deal with it glasses on the left guyI've greatly enjoyed watching the petty controversies that erupted this week, controversies having to do with what can only loosely be described as buyer's remorse: indignant iPad owners, a mysteriously banished Amazon customer, and a host of people calling foul on Facebook's promoted posts. One of these is a legitimate and productive complaint, the others are nothing but a froth about the mouth.

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Home Remodeling Suggestions And Procedures For All

From that outdoor patio inside the back yard on the home window seat from the living room, there are numerous varieties of redesigning jobs homeowners endeavor to battle daily. While a large number of tasks wind up effective, some people certainly nibble away from greater than they may chew. Study these guidelines so that you will don?t become ?many people.?

To get rid of gunk, grease and dirt from your trash removal, include a number of an ice pack cubes, along with a quartered citrus prior to switching it on. The ground an ice pack will clean the convenience clean, as well as the acid solution from the citrus will help to remove greasy build-up, keeping your fingertips in good working buy.

While you are choosing a color color for your house, make sure to apply a mild box or even the test credit cards in the home improvement center. A lot of paint shades seem distinct under all-natural lights, fluorescent illumination (popular in the majority of retail store establishments), and incandescent lighting. You may be happier with your last option if you make certain the hue is really what you expect as soon as you accept it house.

Try and change your exterior lighting fixtures. Consider the kind of the lighting fittings along with their operate. You need them so that you can vibrant adequate to light your entranceway and to really make it more secure. Try looking for lighting fixtures that have the identical installing method as your present types so that you can save time about the project.

Maintain your house and household safe by correctly the installation of a smoke cigarettes sensor in your house. Light up sensors recognize harmful and harmful cigarette smoke prior to do. Stay on the harmless side and purchase a new smoke cigarettes sensor. Ensure that you check the batteries each month to make certain that it really is working properly when misfortune strikes.

In relation to redecorating, consider adding more fans to your house to help throughout the warm a few months. This is important due to the fact jogging supporters will cost considerably less than air cooling, and provide a cooling down gain also. Keep in mind also that a fan only gives cooling benefit if you are within the room, so turn it away if the place will not be entertained.

Do you want to invest some time outdoors but don?t like the little bugs? Try including a screened enclosure onto your property. It will provide a good place to sit and study, have foods or hang out with your loved ones, without having to be subjected to nature?s pest infestations. Include a ceiling supporter for additional comfort and ease.

Take into account the materials that you might use when creating an supplement or a different composition on the house: Wood framed components are going to set you back more to make sure as a consequence of how flammable they are. Stainlesss steel or concrete frameworked structures will save you a great bit home based insurance costs.

As you get started your home improvement venture, it is very important keep your financial budget at heart. It is important to program the venture out beforehand and have rates in the materials that you will want to produce your sight a reality. It is also essential to look at just how long the task will require you.

Always maintain your work area clear when doing renovations. A lot of incidents happen when an area is cluttered with trash and you cannot shift and work properly. Take some time from the venture and nice and clean the particles from your location. This will help help keep you safe from journeys, falls, and twisted cords.

Wrap your hot water heater in an insulation system to further improve energy usage and productivity. Kits are accessible for any dimensions or model water heater as well as the price savings produced from elevated effectiveness easily offsets the price of the insulation system. Hot water heater installation products can also be easy to install, which makes this an easy do-it-yourself redesigning project.

Now, obviously, not all people around is seeking to sell their home. Some individuals would like to make changes to change issues around. Where ever you fall in your home advancement spectrum, remember to check this out post tightly as well as utilize these suggestions to help you. They simply may help you get from a jam.

For more information on water damage restoration nj head over to Sage P. Galin?s site there is plenty of points not covered in this article, find those details on Author?s blog to discover supplementary details.

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