Friday, February 3, 2012

Video: Scarborough on Trump, Gingrich and money

>> joe scarborough is host of msnbc's " morning joe ," good to see you. you're laughing already.

>> they're doing more than scratching their heads. conservatives are wringing their hands. really? you say you like firing people? now you say -- i mean he's playing into the worst stereotypes.

>> is in the habit of tripping over his own tongue.

>> he does on the worst issue. on whether he can connect with middle class americans. the guy is fabulously wealthy. he's admitted paying about 15% in taxes over the past couple of years. these sort of statements, as rush limbaugh says, plays into the prototypical biases against rich republican candidates.

>> what was fascinating to me, in the exit polling coming out of florida, when the voters were asked which candidate best understands the problems of the average person, mitt romney fared best with 34%. so is it just sliding off his back?

>> i don't think it's going to slide off his back. you know, in south carolina exit polls showed that people there thought that newt gingrich is the most electable in the general election . so you can throw the exit polls away. the real problem here is that republicans don't know who to support. they thought romney had the best shot against barack obama . they thought that this was a year that they were going to win big. and now they've got two candidates who are front-runners, who are obviously flops.

>> let's talk about the endorsement happening this afternoon in las vegas with donald trump . i've always been a bit baffled about why the gop candidates felt a need to pay courtesy call to donald trump . i never saw him as a king-maker. what does this endorsement do for newt gingrich ?

>> there may be the beginning of a narrative, that outsiders, republicans are outsiders, are going to start moving away from mitt romney . we were talking about it earlier on our show. this follows if it's followed by a sarah palin endorsement, a rish limbaugh endorsement and others who are wary of mitt romn romney. by itself, i'm sure that newt would rather donald open up the check book and write a couple million dollars.

>> you gave me a laundry list. who is the endorsement that they both really want.

>> marco rubio . but mainly jeb bush is the guy that's the king maker. this is what's so frustrating for republicans. waking up on groundhog day , i understand we could be interrupted at any time if news breaks in pennsylvania. here we are, only 5% of the delegates have been awarded. we've got 46 states to go, and yet people are already saying you're stuck with mitt romney . or you're stuck with newt gingrich . and most republicans are saying, really? is that all we've got? here again, when unemployment is over 8%, and barack obama has added $5 trillion to the national debt . is this how it's going to end up? it's very depressing for the republican party .

>> you talk about how early it is. if mitt romney were to win every delegate from nevada on, he couldn't get the total by april 24th . it's nasty. who in the republican party , if this continues to be a blood bath , is powerful enough to step in and say, guys, stop it. we have a general election to worry about?

>> nobody. there is no republican establishment any more. there is no democratic establishment any more. we saw that four years ago when barack obama stepped in front of hillary clinton . and bill clinton and got the nomination. so these establishment figures don't exist, they can walk out of the back room and say, guys, sit down, calm down, let's be peaceful.

>> you wrote in colorful terms that newt gingrich is a survivor, i won't go into your quote. can he go 46 more states?

>> that depends on whether a certain guy in las vegas wants to keep writing checks. it all comes down to whether he keeps the super pacs going. last, last summer, a lot of people quit newt's campaign because he wasn't doing the sort of work you have to do to build a national organization. we're now seeing the effect of that. he doesn't have the national organization to go 46 more states, unless he's got millionaires that are going to keep writing big, big checks.

>> joe scarborough , thanks for your input.


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